
Melon Branding


Ashitaki brings a revolution to the realm of health-conscious eating in Indonesia.

As a brand deeply rooted in the commitment to providing low-calorie yet delectable food options, Ashitaki seamlessly bridges the gap between taste and nutrition. Whether it’s their signature noodles made from authentic ashitaba or their indulgent yet healthy Creamy Lattes and Mug Cakes, Ashitaki embodies the essence of flavorful, guilt-free indulgence. At the heart of the brand lies an unwavering commitment to quality, authentic ingredients, and the promise of a healthier tomorrow without compromising today’s joys.


Primary Audience :

Age : 25-55 years Old
Gender : Female
Location : Indonesia
Platfrom : Facebook all placement

Include these Custom Audience:

Website visitor 30 days
FB Page engaged 90 days
IG engaged 90 days

Digital Marketing


Guided by Melon Branding, Ashitaki’s digital marketing focuses on strategic ads targeting health-conscious consumers. Highlighting the brand’s commitment to taste and nutrition, we use data-driven insights to amplify Ashitaki’s online presence and connect with its core audience.

Campaign Overview

Our digital marketing campaign for Ashitaki saw exceptional performance across multiple

platforms. Here’s a concise overview of the results, showcasing significant surges beyond

our initial KPIs.

Digital Marketing


Ashitaki’s digital marketing campaign spanned Facebook and Instagram, targeting a specific female demographic. Most engagement came from women aged 25-34, emphasizing the brand’s resonance with this age group.

Digital Marketing

Search Engine

Ashitaki’s Search Engine Marketing efforts have garnered significant traction across key Indonesian regions. Top-performing keywords notably include “Indomie”, “diet shirataki”, and “Mie Indomie”, driving the majority of clicks.

Effective website management is crucial in driving organic traffic and enhancing user engagement. Updating blog content boosts SEO rankings and positions the brand as a thought leader.

Digital Marketing


We produce two high-quality articles monthly to bolster the website’s SEO and aim for a page 1 ranking. This consistent content strategy enriches the user experience and signals search engines about the site’s relevancy and authority in its domain.

September Report Website Management

For September, our website’s performance showed a significant influx of 9,491 visits, with an impressive 91.3% being new visitors. However, keyword rankings for specific terms remain beyond the top 50, emphasizing the need for ongoing SEO optimization to boost visibility.

Oktober Report Website Management

In October, our website garnered 8,886 visits, a notable 90.1% being newcomers. Despite this, several targeted keywords remain below optimal ranking positions, highlighting an area for enhanced SEO strategies.

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