
Melon Branding

Positioning a brand effectively in the market can be a challenging task for many businesses. With ever-increasing competition and evolving consumer preferences, finding the right position for a brand can seem like navigating a complex maze. Companies often face difficulties in identifying their unique selling proposition, understanding their target audience, and crafting a compelling brand message that resonates with customers. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of brand positioning.

Introduction to Brand Positioning

Understanding Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is a marketing strategy that involves creating a unique image or identity for a brand in the mind of its target audience. It’s about differentiating your brand from competitors and expressing what makes it unique. But why does it matter?

Why Brand Positioning Matters

In today’s competitive market, consumers are bombarded with choices. By establishing a strong brand position, businesses can cut through the noise and attract their ideal customers. Effective brand positioning allows for higher customer loyalty, improved brand recognition, and a stronger overall competitive advantage.

There are many types of brand strategies that you can develop Psychology in Branding
There are many types of brand strategies that you can develop, pict by canva.com

Different Types of Brand Positioning Strategies

Value-Based Positioning

This strategy positions your brand based on the value it provides to customers. It’s not just about price but the overall perceived value – including quality, service, and brand reputation. Think Walmart and their ‘Everyday Low Prices’.

Emotional Positioning

Emotional positioning aims to connect with customers on an emotional level. Brands using this strategy often tap into universal feelings like happiness, trust, or security. A great example is Nike, whose ‘Just Do It’ slogan inspires motivation and determination.

Functional Positioning

Functional positioning focuses on the practical benefits or solutions a product or service offers. This strategy works well for brands with unique features or technological advantages, such as Dyson’s innovative vacuum technology.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Brand Positioning Strategy

Understanding Your Market

To position your brand effectively, you must first understand your target market. This understanding includes demographic details, preferences, needs, and the competitive landscape.

Knowing Your Product

A deep understanding of your product or service is also vital. What are its strengths and weaknesses? How does it stand out from the competition?

Identifying Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that refers to the unique benefit or advantage that separates a product or service from its competitors. It’s what makes a business’s product or service different, and it’s the reason why customers should choose it over other options in the marketplace. Your USP is what truly differentiates your brand from competitors. It could be anything from a unique product feature to exceptional customer service or a compelling brand story.

Does your brand understand the market well as a factor in adjusting brand positioning? Pict by canva.com

Does your brand understand the market well as a factor in adjusting brand positioning? Picture by canva.com.

How to Create a Brand Positioning Strategy

After understanding the factor when choosing a brand positioning strategy, it’s time to consolidate these insights into a comprehensive brand positioning strategy. SEMrush says we can create a brand positioning strategy through these steps.

Outline consumer segment and needs

In order to ensure your brand reaches the most suitable audience, it’s essential to delineate the consumer segment and their specific needs. The consumer segment refers to a group of individuals sharing similar needs or characteristics that your business serves. These needs could be based on demographics, psychographics, behaviors, or lifestyle. Understanding these needs allows you to tailor your products, marketing messages, and overall brand positioning to attract and satisfy these consumers effectively.


The target consumer for your brand isn’t merely a broad population; it’s a specialized group who will find your brand most appealing. To define this group, you must understand their desires, problems, habits, and motivations. This process involves extensive market research, data analysis, and sometimes even direct customer interaction. Identifying your target consumers and their needs not only helps in creating a product that fits their requirements but also assists in crafting advertising and promotional strategies that resonate with them.

Define consumers' values

To create an accurate image of your ideal buyer, it’s crucial to understand their values. These values are the guiding principles that influence their decisions and behaviors. They may include aspects such as sustainability, innovation, affordability, or luxury, among others. Identifying these values helps you comprehend what matters most to your consumers and how your brand can align with these preferences.


The perfect buyer is the one who not only needs your product or service but also resonates with the values your brand upholds. This alignment creates a deep connection between the consumer and your brand, fostering loyalty and driving repeat business. Understanding your consumer’s values also enables your brand to communicate effectively, crafting messages that echo their beliefs and aspirations.

Define your brand's essence

The essence of your brand is its fundamental nature or character. It’s what sets you apart from competitors and resonates with your target consumers. This essence should be an intersection of your brand’s values and the values of your target consumers, creating a shared space where your brand and your consumers can connect on a deeper level.


Defining your brand’s essence is essentially establishing its core purpose and unique identity in the market. This goes beyond your products or services and touches on the impact you wish to make on your consumers’ lives. It’s a powerful concept that can guide all your business decisions, from product development to marketing strategy, ensuring a consistent and compelling brand experience.

List your functional advantages

The functional advantages of your product or service are the tangible benefits that customers derive from its use. These advantages could be related to its features, usability, durability, or performance. For example, a smartphone with a long battery life offers the functional advantage of not needing frequent recharging.


Highlighting your product’s functional advantages plays a crucial role in persuading consumers of its value. It demonstrates the practicality of choosing your product over others and helps consumers understand exactly how it fulfills their needs. This clear articulation of benefits can significantly influence purchasing decisions and set your brand apart in a competitive market.

List emotional advantages

While functional advantages satisfy a customer’s logical needs, emotional advantages cater to their feelings and desires. They involve the psychological benefits a consumer gains from using your product, such as status, confidence, happiness, or a sense of belonging. These advantages can create a powerful emotional connection between your brand and your consumers.


Highlighting the emotional advantages of your product enhances the perceived value and creates a stronger bond with the consumer. People often make purchasing decisions based on emotions, and a product that makes them feel good or improves their self-image can be incredibly compelling. By emphasizing emotional benefits, your brand can resonate on a deeper level and encourage loyalty among your consumers.

Identify the reason to believe

The ‘reason to believe’ is the evidence or set of arguments that convinces consumers that your brand delivers what it promises. This could come in various forms, such as customer testimonials, expert endorsements, scientific studies, or an impressive track record. The ‘reason to believe’ validates your brand’s claims and helps build trust with your consumers.


Outlining the key sources that build trust towards your positioning is crucial in establishing credibility. In a marketplace filled with competing claims, consumers are more likely to trust brands that provide clear and believable reasons to back up their promises. By identifying and promoting these reasons, you can enhance your brand’s reputation, gain consumer confidence, and ultimately, drive sales.

Create key brand traits

Your brand traits, much like human traits, define the character and personality of your brand. These traits can be represented in how your brand communicates, behaves, and interacts with its consumers. It could range from being innovative, reliable, and sophisticated to fun, friendly, and bold, depending on what aligns with your brand’s essence and values.


Describing your brand as though it were a human makes it more relatable and engaging. It allows consumers to form a personal connection with your brand, which can lead to higher brand loyalty and advocacy. By establishing distinct brand traits, you can create a unique brand identity, differentiate yourself from competitors, and foster a strong emotional bond with your consumers.

Are you ready to make brand strategy through the steps above?

Are you ready to make brand strategy through the steps above? Picture by canva.com.

Case Studies of Successful Brand Positioning

Case Study 1: Apple Inc.

Apple is a masterclass in brand positioning. They’ve positioned themselves as the pinnacle of design and innovation, offering high-quality, user-friendly technology products. Their focus on sleek design, innovation, and superior user experience has created a loyal customer base willing to pay a premium for their products.

Case Study 2: Tesla Inc.

Tesla is a leader in electric vehicles and sustainable energy solutions. By focusing on innovation and environmental sustainability, Tesla has managed to carve a unique space in the auto industry, attracting devoted customers and admirers.

Adapting Brand Positioning Strategies for Future Market Changes

The Importance of Flexibility

In a rapidly changing market, staying flexible and adaptable is key. While your core brand values should remain consistent, how you communicate and deliver on these values may need to evolve.

The Role of Innovation

Innovation is crucial to maintain your brand’s competitive edge. Whether updating your products, enhancing customer experiences, or simply finding new ways to communicate your brand’s story, continuous innovation will keep your brand fresh and relevant in the ever-changing market landscape.

Can your brand positioning strategies be adaptive for future market changes​?
Can your brand positioning strategies be adaptive for future market changes? Pict by canva.com


In conclusion, brand positioning is essential for businesses to distinguish themselves in a crowded market. Choosing the right strategy involves deeply understanding your market, product, and unique selling proposition. The success stories of brands like Apple and Tesla demonstrate the power of effective brand positioning.


As one of the best branding agencies in Indonesia, Melon Branding can help you increase the visibility and influence of your brand by using the right brand positioning. To help your business succeed, our practitioners will work with you to create and implement a measurable brand strategy. Contact Melon Branding today and trust us in helping your brand achieve the goals you want.

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