
Melon Branding

How to Implement Marketing 5.0 in Your Business

Melon certainly strives for various methods to implement Marketing 5.0 in your company as a branding agency with knowledge and experience in the marketing field.


Like a table, four legs support it to stay upright and stand firm. Likewise, business, financial, HR, operational, and marketing aspects must be substantial. That’s why let Melon help your company in the marketing aspect. 

How to Implement Marketing 5.0

Marketing 5.0 is the latest evolution in doing business in a marketing approach that focuses on customer experience and relationships. Implementing it is not easy, but it’s not difficult either if you apply the Marketing 5.0 implementation method below:

1. Start by understanding your customer

Start by understanding your customer. Market research and collect data about their wants, needs, preferences and behaviour. This will help your business adjust marketing strategies according to market needs.

2. Emphasize on building relationships.

Work on building sustainable relationships with your customers. This can be done through personalization, engagement and providing outstanding customer service.

3. Take advantage of technology.

With Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Omnichannel Marketing, you can reach and engage customers innovatively.

4. Focus on experience

Create memorable and personalized experiences for your customers through product packaging, in-store events or online interactions.

5. Monitoring and evaluation

Monitor and measure the success and failure of your marketing activities and make changes as needed. This will help you stay up-to-date with customer preferences and make the necessary adjustments to stay ahead of the competition.

Customer experience after shopping

Customer Experience as the Key to Marketing 5.0 Implementation

An important key in implementing Marketing 5.0 is combining human and technology orientation to create a customer experience. More than just the shopping experience and the customer’s perceived service, the experience also includes all the touchpoints a customer might have with a product.


Customer experience is formed through a model called the Five A Customer Path (5 A’s customer path), which is the path that customers take when they buy and consume goods and services in the digital world. What are the contents of the Five A Customer Path?

Awarness or Awarness

Awareness or awarness, which is a condition in which potential clients are exposed to brands based on experiences, advertisements, and recommendations from various sources. Firstly, it’s important to create brand awareness through targeted marketing efforts. Moreover, creating a strong brand identity through consistent branding and messaging can help increase brand awareness and recognition. Additionally, collaborations with other brands or businesses can also increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. 

Appeal or Interest

Appeal or interest is a condition in which potential clients process messages from a brand and become interested in that brand. For example, when we get a 15-second ad on IG, we may click on the profile or open the ad in its entirety, engaging with the content for more than 15 seconds. In other words, the appeal or interest generated by the ad has captured our attention and sparked our curiosity. Additionally, when a brand can create a strong appeal or interest, it can increase brand recognition, customer loyalty, and sales. 

Ask or Wonder

Ask or wonder is a condition in which potential clients are driven by their curiosity to seek further information, such as other products or services, the price of each product or service, purchase location, shipping costs, etc. For instance, when a customer visits a website and sees a product they are interested in, they may ask about its other products, features, specifications, and benefits. In other words, their curiosity motivates them to seek out more information. Additionally, providing clear and accurate information can help alleviate any concerns or questions that potential clients may have, increasing their trust in the brand and ultimately leading to a higher likelihood of conversion.

Act or Act

Act or act is the condition in which potential clients decide to buy and use products or services from a brand due to the strength of the information obtained and according to their needs. In other words, when potential clients have gathered enough information and feel confident that a particular product or service meets their needs, they may decide to act or act on their decision and make a purchase. Additionally, businesses can use various strategies to encourage potential clients to act or act, such as providing special offers, limited-time promotions, or a clear and easy-to-navigate checkout process.

Advocate or advocacy

Advocate or advocacy is the condition in which the buyer turns into a customer who has a sense of loyalty and even defends the brand. For example, a loyal user of Apple products may advocate for the brand by defending it against criticism or negative feedback, such as when responding to netizens who claim that “iPhone wastes battery.” In other words, their sense of loyalty and connection to the brand motivates them to defend it and promote it to others. Additionally, creating a strong sense of advocacy can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty, leading to higher sales and revenue. 

An important key in implementing Marketing 5.0 is combining human and technology orientation to create a customer experience. More than just the shopping experience and the customer’s perceived service, the experience also includes all the touchpoints a customer might have with a product.

Customer experience is formed through a model called the Five A Customer Path (5 A’s customer path), which is the path that customers take when they buy and consume goods and services in the digital world. What are the contents of the Five A Customer Path?

By implementing the above, you can effectively adapt to Marketing 5.0 and build long-term relationships with your customers.

Do you want to develop a business with the Marketing 5.0 approach? Trust the Melon Branding Agency who has knowledge and experience in the field of Marketing 5.0. Contact us further via cs.melonbranding@gmail.com or visit Instagram @melonbranding !

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