
Melon Branding

Making content popular takes work. Frequently, bloggers create content that is not on target. Eventually, making the content not get the appreciation it wants. To make your content liked by many people and receive high appreciation, you must create smart content. Good content must meet several aspects. Here are seven aspects of smart content. The following are seven element of content, which can be said to be elements of smart content.

Implement the element of content.

Element of Content #1: Your ideal customer must be the focus of the making process

When creating content, first understand who your readers or customers are. For example, if most of the readers on your blog are teenagers, then create content that is suitable for your readers, namely “Teenagers.” In contrast, it would be inappropriate to make content about adults. The point is it’s very important to adapt content to the characteristics of readers or customers. In other words, content creation will be right on target according to who you want to target.

Element of Content #2: It should be useful, informative, and entertaining

On the other hand, so that the content is popular and shared by many people, the purpose of creating content is to provide information to other people. Likewise, intelligent content can provide benefits, information, and also entertainment for its readers.

Element of Content #3: Must be made consistently

In essence, every content created is always under the existing theme, so there is a need for compatibility between the contents of the content and the visual appearance of the content. Thus, consistency is an important key to smart content. Finally, the suitability between content, themes, and other visual support will determine whether the content created is popular or not.

Element of Content #4: Must be able to disseminate quickly and easily

Now, this is also very important. Of course, you want the content to be viral. So, create content that people can share easily and quickly. Therefore, create content that can be shared easily and quickly. Moreover, provide share buttons that are easily visible on your content; that way, people will more easily share the content that you create to increase its popularity.

Element of Content #5: All content must be related to at least one of your service products

Suppose the content created is intended as promotional media. In that case, the content must, of course, follow the product or service being sold. Moreover, for example, if you want to market diet drugs, but the content instead discusses food, of course, this is different from the product you want to market and can reduce the marketing campaign’s effectiveness.

Element of Content #6: Influence people to take action

The next point is that content must influence other people to take action. Well, this needs to be considered. Make sure the content created has an educational element or contains positive content. In addition, intelligent content will be able to influence people to take good actions. Consequently, don’t let the content you create make other people behave badly and negatively impact society.

Element of Content #7: It must be scalable and profitable

Bloggers or internet marketers create content intending to make the content popular and benefit from it. Therefore, measure the content that has been published. There are many ways to measure it by visiting traffic on websites or social media. As a result, you want each piece of content to have a high measurement result, meaning it has many readers.

Those are the seven aspects of content that must be met if you create content. Before creating content, it’s a good idea to make a plan first. With planning, the purpose of content publication will be achieved. Smart content is easier for customers to accept. The main thing that needs attention is the compatibility between content material and target customers. Don’t also force content that is made as promotional media directly. Most importantly, your content can provide interesting information for customers or readers.


Do you want to develop your website by developing content? Contact Melon Branding right now via email at cs.melonbranding@gmail.com or follow Instagram @melonbranding.

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